The Blind Stitcher

The Blind Stitcher

Monday, December 15, 2008

Bleach Bottle tote

I made these totes for my children. They used them for lunch, toy, wet swim suit and many other things totes. They may be made from just about any type of plastic bottle depending on what you want to use them for. I carry one for lunch and another one for my craft project.

To being with, you will need a plastic bottle; in this case I used a bleach bottle.

Remove label and draw a line around for a cutting line - I use a dry erase marker, so the line will not show when the project is finished.
Next go back and using a dressmaker's tape measure, place marks about 1-inch apart and about 1/2-inch apart, around the top. I used a standard, hand held paper punch.

Using an 'H' crochet hook and knitting worsted in a color of your choice, and work 3 double crochet in each hole around, slip stitch to join.

Chain 3, double crochet in each stitch around, slip stitch to join.

Repeat this last row as many times as desired. Works best if you make it at least half the height of the jug, or higher.

Next row (Draw String openings): Chain 4, *skip one stitch, double crochet in next stitch, repeat from * around, slip stitch to join.

Last round: chain one, single crochet in same space, single crochet around, slip stitch to join. Fasten off. Work in end.

For Draw String: Chain about 44-inches or a length you prefer. turn and work a single crochet in each chain to end; Work the far end from hook, in and out of the draw string openings; when you come around to where you started, take a stitch in the end, joining the 2 ends; fasten off; work in end.

I, frequently pull the string out on opposite sides, making 2 handles; I then tie a knot in the ends, so they don't slip back in.

I hope you enjoy this project. I remember one year, I found a line drawing and scratched it into the side of one of the totes and then rubbed in dark crayon; cleaned off the surface and the wax stayed in the scratches making an imitation scrimshaw. My girls really liked that.

Have fun.