The Blind Stitcher

The Blind Stitcher

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ceral box bags and fresh vegetable bags reused

Many of us buy our cereal in boxes with a bag inside sealed to keep in freshness. You, also, find these bags in cracker boxes and I am sure in other places, too.

You can use these bags to cover bowls and dishes to put in the frig.

I, also, save the fresh vegetable – stored in an empty paper towel or toilet tissue tube – and use these to cover dishes that are to go into the fridg.

Doing this saves on the use of your plastic wrap and just a tad less in the land fill.

Keep Smiling Arlene

Friday, November 21, 2008

Great Christmas Gift - free

When my children were young and we did not have much money for gifts, I taught them to make coupons to give as gifts.

Feel Free to make copies of this blank coupon

For example:
Good for one time sweep the kitchen without complaining.
Good for one helping to fold cloths.
Good for one car wash.
Good for one evening of babysitting
Good for one walking the dog.
Good for washing the dishes on your night.

I am sure you get the idea. I didn’t have a computer back then, but with one you could make those coupons really look neat.

After you have them printed or drawn stack them, neatly, and staple them together.

These can be used any time of the year and can be made for any occasion and all it costs you is some time and thought to make them and some of your time to fill them.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Canned Food liquids to replace water storage

I just remembered something I did years ago. I would drain the liquid from the canned vegetables into ice-cube trays, freeze and bag. These ice-cubes are ready for the next time you want to make soup, flavor gravy, cook fresh vegetables in or to pep up the flavor of a casserole.

If for some reason you don’t use the drippings from a roast or even fried meat, with your meal, add a little water to loosen it up; freeze in ice-cube trays and bag for latter use.

Now, if the water service is interrupted, you have liquid to cook with; not to forget the nutrition that would have gone down the drain.

Keep smiling

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Old Time Truck Lap Robe

A while back I made a lap quilt for a young lady, to help her with her Senior Project; I was telling a friend about it and she wanted to see it, so, here is a picture of the finished quilt. (I am working on making a pattern that others may use. I hope to offer these for sale in the near future.)